IDEIO - Creative Studio
Make your brand notable!
I offer creative solutions to your venture success, without any full-time employed graphic designers

Fast & Reliable
Get your first plan within a few days.
The best high-quality plans, based on the newest trends.
Fixed package prices
Unlimited requests and modifications for the same price.
Get in contact with me anytime during the working hours.
How does it work?
There are only some steps to do and we can start our cooperation!
Contact me and we can discuss what You need.
Pricing Plan
Choose the most adequate price plan for You
Use the comfortable Trello platform to send the project requests. You can follow easily the active, the in-work and the finished tasks.
Give modifications as much as You can until the plan will be perfect for You. 🙂
Ideas, which came true
Choose your plan
- 80 workhour • 16€/hour
- Only one project at a time
- Unlimited modifications
- Follow the planning steps
- Premium stock assets
- Motion graphics
The price of the package is paid always in advance. You can find further information about the content of the pricing plans in the FAQ-s. If you have any other questions about pricing plans, I can answer via email.
- 240 workhour • 12€/hour
- Max. 10 projects together
- Unlimited modifications
- Follow the planning steps
- Max. 50 premium stock assets
- Creating motion graphics
The price of the package is paid always in advance. You can find further information about the content of the pricing plans in the FAQ-s. If you have any other questions about pricing plans, I can answer via email.
- 400 workhour • 10€/hour
- Unlimited project
- Unlimited modifications
- Follow the planning steps
- Unlimited premium stock assets
- Creating motion graphics
The price of the package is paid always in advance. You can find further information about the content of the pricing plans in the FAQ-s. If you have any other questions about pricing plans, I can answer via email.
Do you need further information?
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00
I usually take 2D graphic works: branding or logo design, presentations, leaflets, brossures, invitation cards, online ads, social media graphics, vector graphics, webdesign, printed graphics, email graphics, e-books, blog graphics, business cards, infographics, icons, GIF-s, etc.
Besides that: enhancing and editing photos, editing and grading videos, making movie subtitles, creating short intros and animations (e.g. ad-videos, interviews, videoclips, study-videos). I create simple motion graphics too (prior discussion required). I undertake 3D graphics only with prior consultation (pricing plans do not include 3D graphics creation). I do not take on any kind of programming. These pricing plans does not include website development.
Egy teljes munkaidőben dolgozó grafikus költsége meghaladhatja az egyes csomagok árát is (bér, elvezetések, egyéb kiadások). Előfordulhat olyan is, hogy nem mindig van számára elegendő munka. Így a fizetésének egy része üresjáratokra van költve.
Ezekkel a grafikai csomagokkal ez elkerülhető, mivel épp csak annyi fogy el a munkaórákból, amennyi időt igényel az adott projekt / munka.
A full-time graphic designer costs could exceed the price of these plans (salary, other costs). It also can happen, that there is not enough work to to. Than the part of his salary is paid unnecessary. That is easy to avoid with these pricing plans, because from the work-hours run out only the required amount for the additional project work.
These price plans have been created to ensure more project realization in the same time, if it is necessary. Types of these plans motivate the client for a long-term cooperation, so the price per hour is reduced per plan.
Every plan has an exactly defined amount of work-hours.
E.g. by a MINI (10 days): (each day has 8 work hours) there are 80 work-hours available. There goes out always only the consumed amount of work -hours which is necessary to do the work. The rest of the remaining time you can use anytime through the year (latest till the end of the third year from the buying of the price package).
After the package buying (MINI, PREMIUM, ELITE) it is possible to work on an unlimited amount of projects, but the number of in-work projects depends on the package type (till there are remaining work hours from the package):
• MINI: Only one project at a time, the next project can be started only when the first is finished.
• PREMIUM: It is possible to work on 10 projects at the same time.
• ELITE: It is possible to work on an unlimited amount of projects in the same time.
When the request is sent, I always give the estimated finalization time. The first plans or the simply task requests are usually finished within a few days. Complex works need more times, of course. The time when the additional project gets ready depends also on the amount of re-worked projects in the same time, how fast and how often can I communicate with the client, etc. I do my best to prefer projects with a strict deadline.
It is used only that amount of hours from the package which is needed for the project. The rest of the hours you can use anytime of the year (latest within 3 years from the getting of the package). It is worth to think in advance how many work-effort is necessary.
A tervezési fázist nyomon fogod tudni követni a Trello online platformon, melyhez küldök majd egy meghívót. Ezen kívül néha a Google Drive-on vagy egyéb fájlmegosztón fogod megkapni a fájlokat.
You can follow the planning period on the Trello online platform, to which I send you an invitation link. Sometimes besides that you are going to get the files on the Google Drive or on some other file sharing platforms.
Yes. I do all my work exclusively to YOU. After getting of the files you have the absolute rights and you can freely use them as you like.
In this case we work together on the project till you will be satisfied for 100 %.
I work with all my might to provide the best possible quality, so there is no possibility of refunding the amount. We polish the given project until you are completely satisfied with it.
Igen! 🙂 Amennyiben szeretnél megbizonyosodni arról, hogy a megfelelő szolgáltatást nyújtom számodra, van lehetőséged maximum egy projektnél egy ingyenes munkaórát kérned tőlem. Az egy óra letelte után a projekt aktuális fázisában küldök egy vízjellel ellátott fájlt neked. Amennyiben tetszett a minta, akkor az egyik csomagot megvásárolva tudjuk folyatni a félbehagyott munkát.
Yes! 🙂 There is a possibility to ask for one free work by one project, if you want to make sure, that I provide the adequate service to you. After that hour in the current phase of the project I am going to send you a watermarked file as a sample. If you like the sample, you can continue the work in progress by buying one of the packages (pricing plan).